How Does Humidity Affect Your Health?

Did you even think about the humidity level in your home? Humidity levels in your home have a tremendous impact on your family’s health and well-being. Hence, we’ll have a quick discussion about how humidity affects your health and home, the right humidity levels your home needs, plus tips on how to balance humidity in your home.

Humidity and Your Health

Humidity plays a role in your indoor air quality. When it rises or drops to certain levels, you may experience several health issues.

Too much humidity in your home can cause moisture to build up in the walls and similar areas. Mold, bacteria, and dust mites can start thriving and multiplying around your moisture-rich home. These can cause problems such as:

  • Allergies from dust mites
  • Legionnaire’s disease, a severe pneumonia form caused by legionella bacteria
  • Increased respiratory symptoms for those with pre-existing conditions
  • Disruption of the body’s mechanism for cooling down, potentially leading to heat strokes in susceptible people

Meanwhile, homes with low humidity levels can be harmful to your health, too. Several homeowners report aggravation of pre-existing respiratory illnesses such as asthma or bronchitis in environments that are too dry. Moreover, other symptoms may show up in your body such as:

  • Nosebleeds
  • Dry sinuses
  • Cracking lips
  • Dry and cracked skin

All these health issues can be prevented by allowing a balanced humidity level in your home.