Electrical Safety: 4 Things to Teach Your Children

Electrical Safety: 4 Things to Teach Your Children

While you may be well aware of electrical safety practices, it’s also important to consider the young members of your household: your children. As a parent, it’s your responsibility to teach your children the potential risks of electricity. While you don’t need to go into detail (kids are likely too young to understand how it all works), you should at least tell them about the basics. This simple precaution can prevent accidents and potentially save lives.

Here are four things to instill in your kid’s mind, making your home a safer place for everyone.

1. Stay away from electrical outlets

When children start to crawl and interact with their surroundings, make sure to keep a watchful eye on them. They’re curious and will want to touch everything they see, such as the outlets on your wall. This can be dangerous because our bodies are excellent conductors of electricity. Sticking one’s finger inside a socket can lead to an electric shock, and at times, even death. So when you see your child showing interest in these sockets, firmly tell them “no” and explain to them the dangers in an age-appropriate manner.

For your children’s safety, consider child-proofing your outlets with tape, tamper-resistant receptacles (TRRs), or outlet covers. Don’t know what any of those are? Don’t worry. You can count on our skilled electricians to incorporate these safety features into your home.

2. Keep metal items out of kitchen appliances

Placing items made of metal in a microwave can pose serious safety concerns, as it can reflect electromagnetic waves, leading to the accumulation of electrical charges within. This can cause arcing, which can then lead to a fire. Similarly, inserting a metal item like a fork into a toaster can raise the risk of an electric shock.

As a general rule, children under 10 years of age should not use most appliances without adult supervision.

3. Do not touch frayed or exposed wires

Tell your kids to never play with wires that are showing signs of fraying. If they notice such issues, instruct them to inform you immediately. They may not look serious, but damaged wires can be the cause of electrical fires due to their exposed live wires.

4. Water and electricity don’t mix

It’s a must to tell your young children about the risks of playing with water and electricity at the same time. Provide clear examples of what not to do, such as avoiding the use of chargers near water sources like the kitchen sink. Water acts as a conductor of electricity, which means it increases the risk of electrocution for anyone who comes into contact with it. Making sure that your kids are fully aware of its dangers can help promote a safe living space for everyone.

Tips on teaching kids about electrical safety

Educating children about electrical safety can be challenging as they may not be able to fully grasp certain concepts at a young age. Here are a few effective ways to ensure they grasp the importance of following electricity-related rules:

  • Practice repetition. Constantly remind your children about electrical safety to instill it in their minds.
  • Use visual aids. Videos, activity books, etc. are excellent visual aids that demonstrate common electrical risks while making the subject more memorable.
  • Set an example. To show your kids the importance of safe electrical practices, be sure to lead by example. Remember that your kids will likely model their habits after you!


This list merely scratches the surface of the electrical rules children should follow at home. If you’re a parent who’s seeking more guidance on how to teach your kids about electrical safety, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. In addition to our electrical repair services in Indiana, we’re committed to promoting electrical safety among homeowners, allowing you to create a secure home for you and your children.

Call Beeson Mechanical Service at 317-535-9338 today for more information.