Is it time to upgrade my filter?

Is it time to upgrade my filter?

Whether you have any kind of heating, air-conditioning or ventilation unit in your home, then you will have an air filter included in these devices. The air filter is an essential piece of equipment that filters various particles out of the air that passes through it. It protects the engine inside, but also captures the horrible, polluted and unwanted particles from the air that is circulating around your home. They are essential, because they stop dirt, debris and various contaminants or bugs that may cause illness from spreading around your home. With your filter being such an important part of your ventilation system, it is very important that you check it regularly to make sure it is working as it should.

You will often find, at certain times of the year, more dust collects in your air ducts or more allergens are present because of an increase in mold or something similar. You must remember that when this happens these particles are getting circulated around your home. You don’t want a home that is spreading allergens; you want a home that is filtering these out and creating a clean environment for you and your family. Therefore, you need to take on some routine maintenance and upgrading of your filter. Generally, if your filter looks dirty then it is 100% time to change it! When you buy your filter it will also recommend when you should change it again, so make a note of this time; sometimes it can be monthly or six-monthly. But remember, factors like if you have pets or someone in your home who is sensitive to allergies, will affect when you should change your filter. Take this into account, as you may need to upgrade a little earlier than the filter manufacturer may normally suggest.

If you have realized that now is the time to upgrade your filter, then one of the most important things to think about is the MERV rating of the new filter you are going to buy. This is the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value of your filter. It means that the higher the rating the more efficient the filter will be. You should also know what kind of filter size you need. You need to check the details of your system and make sure you buy the correct size. You also need to make sure that your system is fully maintained, as there is no point putting in a new filter into a system that is going to break soon from another problem. Get a service technician to come in and have a quick look over, to check all the other components are working well. In addition, if you or a member of your family are particularly sensitive to different allergies, be it dust or pollen, then look for a filter that is designed specifically to filter out allergens. Not all filters are designed to do this, so make sure you read the specification of the filter carefully before buying. Finally, always remember that upgrading your filter may seem like a small unimportant task, it can really affect your family’s health and your home environment, so make sure it is at the top of your to-do list!