Increase Efficiency and the Lifespan of Your HVAC System

How Can I Increase Efficiency and the Lifespan of My HVAC System?

The HVAC system operates year-round to help you maintain a comfortable temperature at your home. But, like all the other appliances, your HVAC system also has a lifespan. For instance, the average working life of a furnace and air conditioning system is 10-12 years.

However, there are effective ways to boost the efficiency and lifespan of the HVAC system and delay the inevitable replacement. Take a look at some practical tips that can help:

1. Schedule Regular Maintenance

Hands down, regular maintenance is the most effective way to improve your HVAC system's performance and efficiency. It is recommended that you should get your HVAC system serviced at least twice a year. You can consider scheduling air conditioner maintenance in spring and furnace maintenance in early fall, but having the maintenance performed at any time of the year is fine for your system.

During a maintenance call, a technician will clean, inspect, and tune up the system. He’ll also recommend any replacements or repairs, if needed. Beeson Mechanical Service is available for this service, at 317-535-9338.

2. Regularly Change the Filter

A technician does professional maintenance, and then there are basic maintenance tasks that homeowners should perform regularly. One of the most important of them is regularly changing the filter. While the technician will also replace the filter during the bi-yearly maintenance, it is recommended that the filters should be replaced every 60-90 for optimal performance.

If the filter is dirty, the HVAC system must work harder to maintain the required temperature. As a result, it increases the wear and tear on the system, reduces its lifespan, and increases your energy bills.

3. Repair Issues Immediately

If the HVAC system is not working as it should, ensure that you get it checked by a professional technician. In several cases, homeowners try to fix the HVAC problems themselves without having the required knowledge or experience. Often, they end up making the problem worse and more expensive to repair.

If you’re struggling with problems such as inadequate air circulation, foul odors, or strange noises from your HVAC system, contact a technician immediately.

4. Keep the Fan Setting at “Auto”

The majority of the HVAC systems come with “auto” and “on” fan settings. It is recommended that you choose the “auto” setting as it will only run the fan when the HVAC system is actively cooling or heating your home. With the “on” setting, the fan runs constantly, which is more taxing for the system.

There are, however, in some instances, reasons to keep the fan “on”, to help with needed air circulation. You can also keep the fan setting at “on” to trap more dust if you have family members with respiratory or allergy problems.

5. Install a Smart Thermostat

With smart thermostats, you can manage your HVAC system from your smartphone or tablet, no matter where you are. You can also find models that can learn about your heating and cooling habits to adjust the temperature as per your preference automatically. The ability to micromanage the thermostat system often makes you use the HVAC system less and leads to improved efficiency in the long run.

Improved HVAC Performance, Efficiency, and Lifespan

Make a note of the tips listed in this post if you’re looking for effective ways to improve the performance, efficiency, and lifespan of your HVAC system. While your HVAC system won’t go on forever, you can improve its lifespan to delay the expensive replacement.